John Hansen is a sculptor who I have the pleasure of working with on a day to day basis. He is an Assisting Professor and the Shop Technician for The College of Wooster, but he is also a mentor for me. John has a ton of knowledge about materials and tools, he is a fantastic problem solver, and assists anyone who needs help in the classroom. Outside the classroom, he is an extremely talented artist. He uses materials like wood and metal frequently, but he does not look for the best looking pieces of wood or metal. In John's artist statement, he talks about his desire not to waste anything. Art can be a pretty wasteful area of study, occupation, and lifestyle. Many artists waste tons of perfectly good materials because the wood grain looks wonky, or the metal is rusting or discolored. John uses it all, and I think the imperfections further the emotional impact of his work. John will be leaving us at the College after this year, and I will miss him so much! This post is for John, and please look him up, because his art is really awesome. These are my favorites!!
Worn Out
The Day is Almost Done
Here is his website